Thursday, 26 November 2009

What an Insult to the Dead: Brown Accused of New Iraq Cover-Up!!

"Protocols' on the release of information have given civil servants and witnesses nine separate grounds on which to block the publication of damaging details.
The revelation came on the day that senior civil servants gave damning evidence
to the inquiry which showed that Tony Blair had lied, lied and lied again about the Iraq War.
They said that ten days before the invasion the then Prime Minister knew that Saddam Hussein had no way of using weapons of mass destruction"

Tony Bliar took this counry into an illegal war while the other parties, the UN and the EU turned the other cheek, we all knew that already.
The inquiry just backs it up with evidence.
It has also become clear that Bliar was far from being George Bush's poodle.
He wanted the war as much as Bush for his own personal gain, both power and money.

If Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction then sending our troops into his lair without the proper eqipment was the most immoral thing the nation could do. If Saddam had chemical and biological weapons he would have used them on the advancing British troops. If he didn't have them, which turned out to be the case, the nation had no business invading Iraq.

Saddam Hussein was left dangling at the end of a rope for his crimes, does B liar deserve any less?


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